What we do
The Role of the Governors
School governors are people who make a positive contribution to the school community by acting as "critical friends". They support and challenge the Headteacher to promote continuous improvement in the school’s performance. They also play a monitoring role asking relevant questions such as "Is it working?", "How do we know it is working?", "As a school, how can we get better?" Governors need no formal qualifications but bring a range of experience to help our school to achieve its vision.
Although they are volunteers, governors are professional, committed and passionate about what the school does. Governors generally meet twice a term and visit the school regularly.
Our Current Priorities
The governors and staff of The Hills Academy are committed to providing the very best quality education for children. Underpinning this is a commitment to continuous improvement through a cycle of target setting and review which is set out in a detailed and rigorous School Development Plan. This identifies our priorities for the year and drives our self-review and staff appraisal process. This is a live document that is constantly updated, and the priorities are set at the start of each academic year at our Governor Strategy Day.