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A Welcome from the Chair of governors

On behalf of the full Governing Body of The Hills Academy, may I wish you a very warm welcome to our school.

We are a highly committed and active governing body who place inclusivity, care and wellbeing of pupils and staff at the forefront of everything we do. Governors are at the heart of how a school operates. It's important they get things right. How they do their job effects the interests of pupils, staff and the reputation of the school in the community. Governors support and challenge head teachers by gathering views, asking questions and discussing what's best for the school. 

I have been a school Governor since 2016 and have been in the position of Chair since September 2019. I feel privileged to take on this role and to lead an experienced team who work hard to share their expertise to guide the school forward.

With all my 3 children having attended the school, and having been involved with The Hills since 2014, I am passionate about doing my best for the school.

As parents and carers, you are very much part of our whole school community - and we very much look forward to working with you over the coming months and years. We all try to attend school events, so look out for us and please come and have a chat.

Nicci Henson

Chair Of Governors