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Last week we had our specialised teaching week of music with Mrs Frost! We learnt about beat and rhythm and how they go together.

We learnt some good rhymes with actions like Bubble Gum and Mrs White and then worked out the rhythms that were used in the rhymes. We learnt what rhythms look like in music and based this around insects, so two one beat notes were identified as Glow Worm and a 2 beat was bee. We made up our own rhythms using bug cards and then used musical instruments to play back the rhythms to our class keeping a steady beat.
On Wednesday we started learning about music in the Victorian times, the musical inventions like the gramophone and music box. We learnt about how street sellers sang what they were trying to sell and we made up our own street seeking phrases on the glockenspiels based upon Oliver! 

We can't wait to see Mrs Frost again in the Spring term!

In PHSE we are beginning to learn about money and the value of coins. We will be discussing the importance of saving, where money comes from and what the difference between want and need.

Have a look HERE for some some photos of us learning