In Art, we have been learning about artists Andy Warhol and Yayoui Kusama. We explored a range of their artwork and we evaluated their work and created our own piece inspired by them.
In Year 2 we have been learning about the special people in our community, including the fire service.
Today, 2D were visited by the crew of Bedfordshire Fire Service and we learnt how to stay safe and what to do if we ever need the help of fire fighters.
Year 2 have been working very hard in their writing lessons so far this term. We have recently been learning about warning stories, like Little Red Riding Hood.
In design and technology, we have been learning about healthy and unhealthy food. Most recently we made a healthy salad using healthy fruits or vegetables of our choice!
In Year 2, we will be learning about plants and what they need to grow. Last lesson, we all planted our own sunflower seeds. We will be keeping a diary to record our observations of its growth over the next 5 weeks!