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Year 4 Blog - Machu Picchu and Kinabalu


Page 6

  • 22/07/16

    Lavender and Cakes

    Yesterday the school hall was covered in lavender which was from the school garden for the end of term coffee afternoon.
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  • 21/07/16

    Year 4 Leavers' Assembly

    Year 4 would like to share their Leavers' Assembly Production "The Quest"
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  • 21/07/16

    4R Frozen Winter Assembly

    4R's dance for their assembly "A Frozen Winter"
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  • 20/07/16

    Art in the garden

    It was such a lovely day today that we decided to take our art lesson outside.
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  • 14/07/16

    Favourite 4t Memories

    in 4T we have been talking a lot about what we have really enjoyed this year and until we wrote it all down we wouldnt have beleived we could fit sooooo much into one school year!!
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  • 07/07/16


    Its getting to that time of year when our Year 4's are thinking about moving on to their middle schools and also about all the good times they have had at The Hills
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  • 29/06/16

    Violent volcanoes

    As part of our Swords and Sandals topic we have being looking at the story of Pompeii.
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  • 21/06/16

    Roman Mosaics

    Year 4 have been having lots of fun looking at our topic 'Swords and Sandals'. 
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  • 14/04/16

    4R present a Frozen Winter

    Well done 4R on a fantastic assembly! You all worked so hard and I am really pleased and proud at how well you did.
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