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Year 4 Blog - Machu Picchu and Kinabalu


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  • 08/02/19


    In art, we made Rangoli patterns by using toothpicks
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  • 18/01/19


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  • 19/12/18


    In science, we have been learning all about the digestive system!
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  • 14/12/18


    Year 4 have been feeling very festive over the past few weeks!
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  • 22/11/18


    On Monday, year 4 went on a fantastic trip to The National Space Centre in Leicester! 
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  • 12/10/18


    Year 3 and 4 had a very exciting day on Thursday. We received a visit from an astronaut! 
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  • 20/09/18

    Reach for the Stars

    In year 4, this term, we have been learning about Space.
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  • 22/05/18

    Roman visitor

    Year 4 had an exciting visitor as part of their Swords and Sandal topic! Aditi has written a blog post all about it.
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  • 11/05/18

    4J SSCo Trip

    4J had the opportunity to take part in an SSCo event at Kings Oak Primary.
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  • 02/05/18

    Spring term Frozen World fabulous finish!

    Our 'Frozen Worlds' fabulous finish was so much fun, we pretended that the parents and grandparents were passengers on an aircraft and the children were pilots who were going to fly to Antartica.
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  • 28/03/18

    Our trip to London Zoo!

    As part of our Frozen Worlds topic, we went on a trip to London Zoo! Rosie has written a blog post all about the trip.
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  • 28/02/18

    Frozen World!

    Narayani has written a lovely introduction to our topic.
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  • 22/11/17

    Key Stage 2 Bromham Woods outdoor day

    In November, we went to Bromham Woods to learn how to be part of Robin Hood's gang!
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  • 16/11/17

    Year 4's Fab Finish

    Read on to find out a little more about Year 4's fabulous finish
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  • 14/07/17

    Year 4 science morning

    Year 4 spent the morning learning about how vibrations make sound.
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  • 06/07/17

    Dr Palmer's Science morning

    We were very lucky this term to have a visit from Dr Palmer who used to work for NASA and is very knowledgable about space.
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  • 06/07/17

    Space Center visit

    This term we visited the Space Centre in Leicester to learn more about space.
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  • 05/05/17

    Jackson Pollock universe

    Year 4 have created their own universe in the style of Jackson Pollock.
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