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Last week, we went to Bryher: a subtropical island in the Atlantic ocean. It is a member of the Isles of Scilly, which are a group of islands off the coast of Cornwall.

We started the journey on a coach which left school at 10.30pm. After a few hours, we stopped off at a service station. We resumed our journey on the coach afterwards and arrived in Penzance 4 hours later. It was recommended we slept on the journey, but some of us were just too awake!

We ate our breakfast on the quay, where we could see St Michael’s Mount and the ocean and then made our way to the Scillonian III (our first ferry). The boat journey took about 3 hours and some of us saw dolphins swimming near the boat.

We arrived at St Marys, the main island in the Isles then we, and our luggage, went on the Firethorn (our next ferry) to Bryher this only takes about 20 minutes.

When we arrived at the camp, we had lunch and then straight after the heavens opened so we went to our tents got our beds out, got unpacked and played games with our friends. For dinner that evening we went to the Fraggle Rock and then we went to play and explore the beach near the campsite.

The next day, luckily, the weather had improved, we had a beach day at Rushy Bay. We invented a new game called tide rocks where you stand on a rock and you wait for the tide to come in and surround you.  We dug holes, built castles, played in the sea and searched for shells and sea glass.

One of the other best things was going to visit the Tresco Abbey Gardens. There, they had a collection of interesting plants and animals. We were allowed an hour to to explore by ourselves and later we even saw a golden pheasant, a rare species of bird. But the best bit was when we got filmed by some people making a television program about the Isles of Scilly . The program will be released on channel five next year!

After Tresco Abbey Gardens we went to explore another beach on Tresco, it’s sand was milky white and the sand was crystal clear it was beautiful.

On another day we went to St Agnes. We jumped back on the Firethorn and off we went, on the way we saw so much wildlife… seals, puffins, jellyfish and much more.  One of my favourite parts was going to Beady Pool on St Agnes. In 1650, a pirate ship crashed there and its treasure went all over Beady Pool. Now there is a chance you can find pirate beads there, we looked hard but none of us found any.  The ice cream from Troy Town Farm of St Angnes was very tasty.  We got to buy some at the end of our walk. There was an option of getting a double scoop with cream, fudge or a flake.

Another activity we tried was crabbing off Church Quay.  We each had a net and had to put bacon in as bait, then we put the net in the water so it laid flat on the sea bed.  We caught so many crabs… big ones, small ones and all different colours.  Some crabs were in the nets when we checked and other were hanging off the nets when we pulled them up.  We couldn’t believe it!

One of the best bits was when we went to the fudge honestly stall (Veronica’s Farm) and got the best fudge in history. There were lots of flavours to try and one of the most popular ones was the original vanilla.

I loved the trip because I got to go to many places which were exotic and got to buy fudge and presents for people we knew.

By Joseph and Anya

Have a look at the photo albums from our trip 1 2 3 4 5