I attended my first Hills Academy school disco recently and my ears are still ringing! However, it was great to see so many children enjoying themselves – chomping on their sweets, swinging their glow sticks around and showing off their best party clothes.
Jasmine wrote:
Over half term, at the Corn Exchange I performed the show Annie with Rare Productions. I enjoyed it very much because of the variety of singing, dancing and acting. As a part of the ensemble, I played to a servant and an orphan, so I got to wear two costumes. I had the fun of two shows, made new friends and can’t wait to do it all again in January at the next audition. I loved that my family and neighbour came to see me and that I had the opportunity to do it with my best friend Daisy.
Dani wrote
Josh wrote
Tis the season to be…oh, no wait! That’s next month! This is the season for pumpkins and fireworks, so whatever you get up to as the nights get longer and the temperature begins to dip, please keep safe and sound.
The Yr5 Team