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I start my day with a lovely breakfast, I then brush my teeth, wash my face and get dressed.
I start my home school day by doing PE with Joe Wicks. After I finish my exercise for the day I start to work through my maths and do the tasks I’ve been set then I move onto my English work. I get my mum or dad to check over it so I can take pictures and send it to my teacher Mrs Hubbard. After I have completed the work set for each day, I get to do fun things like doing the TT rockstars, where I am enjoying challenging my class mates on our times tables. Or going on something electronic like my Nintendo switch and I have also started the 30 day Lego challenge, which is getting me to use my imagination and be creative.
I have found it challenging at times without a teacher to ask for help but I have worked through it with the help of my stand in teachers (my parents). I do miss seeing my friends daily, but I know when we get back to school and all together again, it will be great to see them. We just all need to stay at home and be safe for now.