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By Keiran and Tommy B

This term we have learnt a great deal in maths and have made fantastic achievements when learning about fractions and decimals. Did you know that ¾ is equal to 0.75? Going into more details about fractions we have been exploring mixed and improper fractions. We had fun playing dominoes with fractions pairing them up, for instance, 23/4 is equal to 11/4 – simple!!

Whilst learning about decimals we multiplied them to make whole numbers and divided whole numbers to make decimals. Place value grids helped us along the way when we have looked at multiplying and dividing numbers with decimal places by 10, 100 and 1000.

We have also been perfecting our rounding skills and can now round a number up to three decimal places, we are having lots of fun with our year 5 maths and are looking forward to moving onto percentages.

Have a look HERE for some photos of our learning.