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In Reception this term, our topic has been 'The Wonderful world of Books!'

We have read so many lovey books throughout the term to base our learning around. A recent favourite was 'The Day the Crayon's Quit.' We learned what quitting was and why sometimes we feel like we just want to give up. Maia said, "" At Mowsbury they have steppingstones and I couldn't do it because they were far apart and wobbly but now I can because I kept trying!"

In the story, each of the coloured crayons wrote a letter to Ducan, their owner, to explain why they were quitting. We enjoyed writing letters to crayons telling them why we didn't want them to quit. Ava wrote a letter to red crayon saying, 'Do not quit. If you do, I will not be able to colour red hearts!'

During this week, we learned all about the artist Piet Mondrian. We found out that he liked to use the primary colours; red, blue, and yellow. He drew horizontal and vertical lines, creating little square and rectangle windows and then he would paint some of the squares in one of the three primary colours. Inspired by his work, we made our own versions of his paintings. We were so proud of how our work came out. To see some examples, please click HERE!