This term our topic is 'Marvellous Me!' and we have been learning all about ourselves. Our focus over the last two weeks has been how we keep healthy through exercise and through making the right food choices.
We enjoyed listening to the stories 'Oliver's Vegetables' and 'Oliver's Fruit Salad.' We learned about where food comes from and why some foods are good for other us and why other foods we should only have as a treat. Arlo said, "We can have sweet sometimes but not lots. It has lots of sugar in it. So does chocolate and ice cream. We have to brush our teeth if we eat sugary things to look after our teeth."
We had fun practising our scissor skills . We cut up pictures of fruits and arranged them on a paper plate to make a funny fruit face just like the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo. We also designed a fruit kebab. The next day we followed our plans, cut up the fruits we needed and make yummy fruit kebabs. The best bit was eating them together with our friends. To see some photos, please click HERE!