FSP/FSM Outdoor learning: Day 1
What a fun first day we've had learning outdoors! The rain certainly didn't stop the fun!
The children rotated around three different outdoor activites:
Shape hunt: We looked for both 2D and 3D shapes around the school and in the garden. We found that shapes were everywhere! We then collected sticks from the garden and made 2D shapes out of them.
Parachute Games: The children enjoyed a new activity with the parachute. They worked co-operatively to play team games. By the end of the morning it was so wet and heavy but the children kept on going!
Scavenger hunt: The children were given a colour swatch of all different greens and browns. The children explored the field area and found natural items from their environment to match the different colours on the swatches. They were surprised at how many different shades of green the grass was!
We were all ready for our lunch by the end of the morning!
To see our photos click here!
Thank you to all of the parents that volunteered.
Please can we remind you to name every piece of clothing so we can return all items to the correct children. Thank you.