Week commencing Monday 12th June 2017
Welcome to the Reception blog!
What an exciting week we have had watching our caterpillars getting fatter by the day! We hope that the children manage to see some of the pupa phase occurring and that it doesn't all happen over the weekend. We have been busy halving shapes and pizzas this week and the children are becoming more confident with the concept of 'half'. We have continued to practise our dance for grandparents assembly and have practised some races in readiness for our sports morning. Finally, we have really enjoyed making our own saltdough and using it to create ladybirds which we shall decorate next week.
Next week our book focus will continue on the ladybird theme with, 'The Very Lazy Ladybird' by Isobel Finn and Jack Tickle. In our mathematics we will be focusing on counting in 2s.
Maths websites:
http://www.ictgames.com/whackAMole/index.html (set to 2s)
Have a lovely weekend - enjoy the sunshine! See our photos HERE