Week commencing 22nd May 2017
Welcome to the Reception blog!
Thanks to some glorious spring sunshine we were eventually able to get outside and practise some parachute skills (lots of fun had by all) and some races in readiness for Sports Day! We had a free writing session where the children were able to write about anything that interested them. The children were encouraged to write in sentences and use appropriate punctuation. We have also been measuring with balance scales and enjoyed another sunny day to explore capacity outdoors.
After the half-term break, our book focus will be 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and our mathematics focus will be measuring time. On Monday 5th June, the photographers will be in to take class photos. Could all 'Dragonflies' children please come to school in full school uniform with their outdoor clothes in a named carrier bag so they can change once the class photo has been taken - thank-you!
Over the half-term holiday could you please continue hearing your children read. Also any writing about activities undertaken would be most welcome in to school. Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s would also be helpful to your children as we will be returning to this later in the term.
Maths websites:
Wishing you all a brilliant half-term break and looking forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 5th June. Enjoy! Please see our photos HERE