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This week in Reception we have started ‘Talk for Writing’. 

We arrived on Monday morning to find a scene roped off in the classroom…. There was some blood and plasters! We asked some good questions like: What had happened? Who did the blood belong to? Are they ok? We were left the story, ‘On the Way Home’ which we enjoyed listening to.

Having read the story, we worked out that the blood and plasters belonged to the main character in the story - Clare. We found out that she had hurt herself. To begin with, we couldn’t work out how she had actually hurt herself because Clare told many different versions of how she had hurt her bad knee. These included elaborated tales of meeting a ghost, a witch, a wolf, a bear, a crocodile, a snake and many more. At the end of the tale, we learned that she had really been at the park and she had fallen off the swing and that was how she got her bad knee!

We drew a story map and used this to retell the story orally and with puppets. Next week, we are going to start to make our own versions of the story!

Click HERE to see what we have been up to!