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Welcome to our Year 3 October blog post. We are now well into the start of the school year and we have been busy!

In English we have finished reading Stone Age Boy and have now moved onto reading Robin Hood. The children have enjoyed hearing all about how he managed to escape the treasure room and save his friends. There were lots of giggles when he climbed up the toilet shaft to escape Guy of Gisborne and the soldiers.

In maths we have been continuing to develop our understanding of place value and have been applying this to our expanded column methods for addition and subtraction. After lots of hard work we have been able to celebrate our successes in this and start to apply this knowledge when adding and subtracting money.


In indoor PE we have been developing our gymnastic skills and are now creating our own routines using a range of balances, rolls and jumps. Mr Smith even had a go – although he did admit that some of us will be better than him! In outdoor PE we have been working on our rounders skills and have been learning how to ensure we strike the ball every time. We were very lucky last week to have some Year 6 sport leaders run a PE session for us on the playground. The weather held out well and we had a great time participating in a range of activities in the sun.

In science we have been learning all about the properties of rocks and soil and how they are formed. In history we have been learning about the Stone Age and how people told their stories through the use of cave paintings. It must have been hard to tell people what had happened when you couldn’t write! We can’t wait to show off some of our knowledge when we have our outdoor learning sessions in the coming weeks.

Mr Smith launched our Black History Month learning with an assembly last week. We were able to remember lots of the people we have learned about in the past and discover who we are learning about this year. This will also link really well to the Global Goals that Mrs Whitehead introduced to us at the start of the year.

As you can see there has been lots of learning going on and we look forward to updating you in the future.