Hills Academy PTA AGM
We held our first AGM as a new team since the pandemic, over Teams due to the continued restrictions. Unfortunately we didn’t have any additional volunteers attend the meeting.
During the meeting the PTA committee was elected and I am happy to announce that the positions remained the same with the Allan Sydney maintaining Chair, Emma Buck as Vice Chair, James Mackley as Secretary and Danielle Endersby-Browne as treasurer.
The PTA is currently a group of 8 parents who have worked hard to be able to raise money for the children. Despite not being able to host our usual events with parents and pupils, we still managed to fundraise via Mufti Days, raffles and Donut Sales, to name but a few.
These include:
Mufti Day is always fun for the children, and an easy way to fundraise for the school. We experimented with Paypal for donations but found we did not collect as much this way. During Covid cashless was safer, and although we will continue to provide this option to pay, we will still accept cash donations for these events.
The donut sale was a huge success and will continue to be part of the fundraising calendar.
Online raffles were a great way to negotiate social distancing whilst providing some fun.
Technology has supported our fundraising this year and throughout Covid, and with the addition of our ‘Ebay for Charity’ status and ‘Amazon Smiles’, parents have been able to support the school whilst shopping online.
The Christmas card order is always a success. A great gift for family and friends, fun for the children and welcome funds for the PTA.
It is so important for us that pupils and parents enjoy PTA events. The funding provides that little bit extra, to make your child’s time at The Hills even more enjoyable. The pirate ship play equipment, History Wall and class presents are all provided by PTA funding, so we thank you for your ongoing support.
If you would like to join the PTA please email us on thehillsacademyptfa@gmail.com as we would love as much help as we can, even if you can't join regular meetings the odd help at events is very welcome.