Year 1 have had 2 different learning experiences this week. Here is what they have been up to :)
Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty?
This week in school we have been investigating the famous nursery rhyme 'Humpty Dumpty'. We were sent a picture of a crime scene and have reason to believe he didn't fall he was pushed!
The children made predictions about who they thought could have committed such a crime. Scarlett thought it was the 'Knave of hearts' because he also stole the Queen's tarts! Rafi thought it was Bowser! Logan even thought the three blind mice were to blame! Miss Thompson suspected it was the Big Bad Wolf because he wanted to have scrambled eggs to go with his piggy pork!
The children also played Nursery Rhyme charades. In groups the children had to act out a nursery rhyme and we had to guess which nursery rhyme it was! Take a look at our pictures, can you guess too?
I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all of the children for their hard work in such a difficult year. I am so proud of them all and I am going to miss them very much next year. I know you are going to love Year 2!
Miss Thompson
In Everest class we have been learning at home recently and shown brilliant resilience whilst working hard and listening to Miss Dowsett on the screen. On Monday afternoon Miss Dowsett challenged us to create a fruit picture either showing off our sketching skills or using our fingertips to paint and make the pattern of the fruit.
We have also learnt about 3D shapes and some of us went on a 3D shape hunt around our house. Marlowe and Hayley found a pringle tube and identified it as a cylinder shape and lots of us found our rubix cubes to help us understand what shape a cube is.
I would like to take the opportunity to say thank you to both the children and grownups for their hard work home learning this week!
Miss Dowsett
See our GALLERY to have a browse of some photos of our week!