Thank you all for your support in settling the children into their new classes. It has helped us get the year off to a wonderful start! Our topic this term is 'Marvellous me' and we have been busy learning about ourselves.
As part of this topic we have been learning about healthy habits and ways to keep healthy. Many children shared that they keep healthy by eating fruits! Then they thought about a range of fruits and designed their own fruit kebab, which they then made and enjoyed eating them.
During this term we will continue learning and discovering more about ourselves and our local community. In the next few weeks we will be looking at different houses and homes, making a junk model version of our very own house, and how to keep our teeth healthy with a visit from a dental nurse who will let us know all about the importance of looking after our teeth!
Can you please send your child in with a named cereal box next week.
If you would like to see some pictures of us making our healthy fruit kebabs please click HERE.