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On Thursday, K2 and Fuji were lucky enough to have a tennis coach visit us. Each class took it in turns to have a tennis lesson. 

First we practiced our coordination skills and had to tap the tennis ball with our foot and then alternating with the other foot. Some of us could do it really fast! Next, we practised balancing the ball on the racket as we walked around the room. If it fell off our racquet, then we had to sit down until there was a winner! 

After that, we worked on our hand eye coordination and tried to roll the ball all the way around the edge of the strings on the racquet. Daniel said, "That was tricky, you had to do it slowly or the ball would fall off!" 

We then all had a go at throwing and catching the ball. We were challenged to attempt to to clap between throwing and catching it. Our last exercise was to work with a partner to push and splat the ball with our racket through a goal. We all enjoyed our tennis lesson very much!

To view our photos, click HERE.