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Week commencing Monday 10th July 2017

Welcome to the Reception's 'Outdoor Discovery Week' blog!

The children were very excited about visiting their new classrooms and they are definitely ready for the next stage of their education journey.

It may only have been three days but we have had a really fantastic time in Bromham and your children have all been superstars.  The weather was generally kind to us too and we have enjoyed our lunches outside, especially our hot dogs and the ice cream factory!

We have made dinosaur collages using natural materials, we have made 'fossils' using saltdough and we created our own erupting volcanoes with a little help from some vinegar and bicarbonate of soda!

On the last day we cooked 'smores' and helped to build a roaring campfire which we then sang lots of songs around.  We also found a baby dinosaur hiding in the woods and had our photograph taken with it!

Next Monday we shall enjoy our last outing together to 'Dinoland'.  Please ensure the children come wearing appropriate play clothing and sturdy footwear, e.g. trainers.  If you have chosen to send your child in with a packed lunch from home, could you please ensure that it is in a named carrier bag so that we can dispose of all items before leaving the site.


Have a lovely weekend - we cannot believe we are approaching our final week together.   How the year has flown! Please see the photos HERE